Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Good stuff, wot! I had a blast, and I have to thank everyone who had a part in making me king for a day. Or for a few days. Mom, Dad, thanks for being there and for the ice-cream cake. To all my sisters, I love you guys so much. The hand-written notes mean a lot to me, especially the part where I became Willy Wonka for some reason. And yes, Willy Wonka would like to go to the zoo again! Jun, thanks for the self-help book (I think I really need it!). Darius, Pie-Man, Wan-meister, thanks for remembering. Jezs, thanks for making it truly special. Happy happy joy joy! I love you all, thanks a bunch! Okay, enough of this lovey-dovey crap; I'm making myself sick.
Lucky You -- Deftones
Right Here, Right Now -- Fatboy Slim
Extraordinary Girl -- Green Day
Come Out And Play -- The Offspring
It's Only Us -- Robbie Williams
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
v for vendetta

Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By God's mercy he was catched
With a dark lantern and lighted match.
Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the King.
what shoes to fill
It just blew me away. I am overwhelmed, amazed, and definitely proud of you. I knew you would one day leave the job you've had for the past eighteen years, but I never thought it would be by choice. Wow. Since I was four. Wow. I have always thought how perfect this job was for you, being the selfless and ambitious person that you are. Wow. Look back and be astonished by the legacy you have left, the people you have helped, the things you have done. Wow. From rags to riches, literally. Wow. What big shoes to fill.
I'm glad I had that talk with you. You have allayed my worries and fears. You have lifted the weight in my heart. You made me smile again. I hope you succeed in whatever endeavors you wish to pursue next, not just because it would be financially beneficial for me, but because you deserve to be happy after all the light you have shone into the hearts of so many. If you would like me to be part of it, I'd be more than happy to help. I can almost hear your usual refrain: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." But this time, it will make me smile even more.
And here I was thinking they didn't want you anymore. How could I ever have doubted you? And your reasons, as always, make perfect sense. It's been eighteen long years, and you're looking for something new to do. And with your heart condition, there would be times when you wouldn't be able to strive for the people with such vigor and dedication. And the long hours and late nights would be increasingly harder to keep up with, and you'd rather spend that time with your family.
I love that reason the best. I hope we'll be best friends again, like the good ol' days. I can't wait. Sure, sometimes you can be emotionally distant, but that must be partly due to the job taking its toll on you. I cannot ask for a better mentor, teacher, father, provider. In such matters, I am blessed. To have someone like you in my life, even the sky is not the limit. That, you have shown to be true. All the things you've been through, your experience must be invaluable. I aspire to be like you, with a few minor tweaks here and there (I hope you don't mind). What big shoes to fill.
I'm glad I had that talk with you. You have allayed my worries and fears. You have lifted the weight in my heart. You made me smile again. I hope you succeed in whatever endeavors you wish to pursue next, not just because it would be financially beneficial for me, but because you deserve to be happy after all the light you have shone into the hearts of so many. If you would like me to be part of it, I'd be more than happy to help. I can almost hear your usual refrain: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." But this time, it will make me smile even more.
And here I was thinking they didn't want you anymore. How could I ever have doubted you? And your reasons, as always, make perfect sense. It's been eighteen long years, and you're looking for something new to do. And with your heart condition, there would be times when you wouldn't be able to strive for the people with such vigor and dedication. And the long hours and late nights would be increasingly harder to keep up with, and you'd rather spend that time with your family.
I love that reason the best. I hope we'll be best friends again, like the good ol' days. I can't wait. Sure, sometimes you can be emotionally distant, but that must be partly due to the job taking its toll on you. I cannot ask for a better mentor, teacher, father, provider. In such matters, I am blessed. To have someone like you in my life, even the sky is not the limit. That, you have shown to be true. All the things you've been through, your experience must be invaluable. I aspire to be like you, with a few minor tweaks here and there (I hope you don't mind). What big shoes to fill.
The Masterplan -- Oasis
Supersonic -- Jamiroquai
King For A Day -- Green Day
Frank Sinatra -- Cake
Provider -- N.E.R.D.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
big me
I'm finished with my exams, and now I'm free to do anything. But do what, exactly? Be a librarian? A teacher? A mercy relief officer? The money isn't spectacular, but they're all for a greater cause. And I'd be proud to say I contributed something to this greater cause, no matter how little the contribution may be. But knowing me, the chronic procrastinator with performance anxiety, I may end up doing nothing at all. Is it the thought that counts? In such matters, surely not. I am stagnating, nonetheless. Where is my resolve and determination? I do not know.
A sense of foreboding, an ominous latency -- I hate it! I hate the uncertainty, but nothing can provide me the stability I need. Perhaps it is for the best; perhaps this is what I need, or at least deserve. The ghosts of past sins haunting my very soul. A sinner wishing to be a saint; such hypocrisy. I speak of dignity and morality as though I am an expert, but there is no honor among thieves. But I know what it is, and I wish my wife and children -- when I have them later in life -- will live through their lives with virtue. Surely I can hope.
Easy money. Easy come, easy go. But is there anything to proud of? I have no right to judge. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and I would be last in line. It is just too difficult to accept, the chemically-imbalanced person that I am. And I am ashamed of myself too, for the easy money I make. Or take. Whichever. Lifestyles of the rich and famous which I cannot support, but which I like. And who wouldn't? Sell my soul to the devil and live a care-free life, why not?
But we will all grow older, and I have matured in some ways since my wild partying days. And I am glad to be over and done with, with such insubstantial things. I have to settle down one day, and put aside all the obstacles in my way -- both within and without -- to create a better future for my children, and my children's children. The flesh is weak, and so I cannot do this without guidance. God, grant me serenity. Grant me Your light that I may see the evil of my ways.
A soldier-to-be, in a few months. I hope I will be fighting for a worthy cause. I hope it will bring back my resolve and determination. I hope I will do what is right. Only time will tell. For the moment, I am lost. For the moment, I will keep looking for my moral compass for a sense of direction. May the sword of justice smite evil right between the eyeballs once more.
A sense of foreboding, an ominous latency -- I hate it! I hate the uncertainty, but nothing can provide me the stability I need. Perhaps it is for the best; perhaps this is what I need, or at least deserve. The ghosts of past sins haunting my very soul. A sinner wishing to be a saint; such hypocrisy. I speak of dignity and morality as though I am an expert, but there is no honor among thieves. But I know what it is, and I wish my wife and children -- when I have them later in life -- will live through their lives with virtue. Surely I can hope.
Easy money. Easy come, easy go. But is there anything to proud of? I have no right to judge. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and I would be last in line. It is just too difficult to accept, the chemically-imbalanced person that I am. And I am ashamed of myself too, for the easy money I make. Or take. Whichever. Lifestyles of the rich and famous which I cannot support, but which I like. And who wouldn't? Sell my soul to the devil and live a care-free life, why not?
But we will all grow older, and I have matured in some ways since my wild partying days. And I am glad to be over and done with, with such insubstantial things. I have to settle down one day, and put aside all the obstacles in my way -- both within and without -- to create a better future for my children, and my children's children. The flesh is weak, and so I cannot do this without guidance. God, grant me serenity. Grant me Your light that I may see the evil of my ways.
A soldier-to-be, in a few months. I hope I will be fighting for a worthy cause. I hope it will bring back my resolve and determination. I hope I will do what is right. Only time will tell. For the moment, I am lost. For the moment, I will keep looking for my moral compass for a sense of direction. May the sword of justice smite evil right between the eyeballs once more.
Curbside Prophet -- Jason Mraz
Change The World -- The Offspring
Handbags And Gladrags -- Stereophonics
On Mercury -- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Money -- Michael Jackson
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
the never-ending story
Dear Jun,
I am heartened by the fact that you wrote so much to counter my arguments for the simple reason that you were worried about me, and all you intended was to give me a hug. You are truly a great friend; most people I know wouldn't bother. The number of people I know who would can be counted with one hand. For that, I thank you. I am eternally grateful to these people, of which you are one of them.
The reason I wrote what I wrote was not because I was on the fence regarding the matter; my mind was already made up before I started writing it. There was no dilemma to begin with, hence I did not create a false dilemma. I was merely asking the reader to which camp they thought they belonged to, after much deliberation on the topic at hand. Much of which was biological.
How else can you explain a concept as abstract as love? Can anyone explain where love comes from, apart from what I have described? Does love even exist, or is it just a cute little name for something that is inherent in our genetic make-up, including that of animals? Sure, science doesn't always explain everything that occurs in this universe. Science is not perfect. Yet. And that is only due to the shortcomings of the human mind; I am sure in time, as science and the human mind progress in tandem, we will unravel the theory of everything.
For now, though, science is still the best we have. And in trying to understand this concept called love, many hypotheses have been formulated. Some true, some speculative, the rest merely apocryphal. But there is no denying what happens on the biological level. The chemical reactions are there, whether we choose to accept it or not. No matter how high the human brain has climbed the evolutionary ladder, the 'reptilian brain' is still dead set in the centre of it, whether we like or not.
Besides controlling our breathing, heart rate, and fight or flight instincts, the reptilian brain establishes the fundamental needs of all evolved life -- that of survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. The principal ruling emotions of love, hate, fear, anger, lust, and contentment emerge from this first stage of the brain.
Indeed, thick layers of the rational brain that surround the reptilian brain theoretically puts us humans above all other animals, but think about it: the rational brain is built on the foundation of the reptilian brain. No matter how complex and sophisticated we get, in the larger picture we are all ruled by the instincts and primary functions of life that stem from the reptilian brain.
Love is a fundamental need, is it not? How then can you posit the idea that the rational brain takes precedence? No matter how much the rational brain sometimes tries to pretend it isn't true -- that we don't all need love, that we don't need to be loved -- we all want to be loved. Whether at home, or at the workplace, or in the eyes of our lovers.
If hate can be dismissed as an irrational, instinctual, reptilian emotion, then why not love? Hate can occur in an instant, just like love. Hate can be cultivated, just like love. Hate can take over our minds, just like love. Hate can build slowly through time, just like love. Hate can lead to disaster, just like love. Can we truly depend on an emotion that is just as irrational, instinctual and reptilian as hate?
Just because we can rationalize our thoughts and feelings does not mean love is a uniquely human phenomenon; here, the only uniquely human phenomenon is that we can concoct reasons and excuses to do the things we do. As well, we can describe love in paintings and poetry, we can regard love as a wholly-exclusive human emotion, we can place love on a pedestal and contemplate it with reverence -- this is what separates us from animals, the fact that we can lie to ourselves with such grand eloquence that we perceive it to be the truth. (Oh, the humanity!) Yet, the basic principle remains the same.
Whether an animal depends on smell or sight is not the issue here; I assume you are well aware of that. Robert Stenberg's attempt at explaining love as a combination of intimacy, passion and commitment does not disagree with my explanations as to where intimacy, passion and commitment originate from -- the chemical reactions in the brain.
Indeed, just like hate, love can start slowly. Did you know, there is a type of bird whose courtship ritual involves building a home from scratch (usually, the silly males do it to attract the females), after which it is presented to a potential mate for approval. If all goes swimmingly well, the couple goes on to reproduce young of their own. Upon rejection, on the other hand, the potential mate completely destroys the carefully-made home and flies off to search for a worthier soul to mate with.
I call it a 'home' because it looks exactly like a house; with a neat lawn, an entrance to the den, and a roof. The entire thing is made of twigs, shoots, branches and the like. Tiny, glittering things that could be mistaken for jewels are placed neatly on the lawn at the foot of the doorway. Ornithologists who have observed this natural phenomenon were astounded by the perfect symmetry of this bird's creation, from the doorway to the semi-circle lawn; from the precise weaving of every single element to produce an intricate whole that is a thing of beauty.
Imagine the passion and commitment needed for such a task. The bird faces the prospect of being rejected for the duration of its entire life, but doesn't give up. Compelled by its reptilian brain? Almost certainly. Can that be called love, the desire to do anything for its mate? Hard to tell, especially from the point of view of a human being. The courtship ritual could take time it doesn't have in its relatively short lifespan; proportionally, some human beings go through courtship, then mating, and into marriage in less time. Are we really any different when it comes to such things?
I am not saying that love only leads to disaster. There is no discounting the sacrifices that people like Mother Theresa have made out of love. Love can lead to a great many things. The Taj Mahal was borne out of love. Love is the basic tenet of religion, whether through the teachings of Buddha, or Muhammad, or Jesus, or whoever.
I was merely criticizing the idea that love is the be-all and end-all; that we shouldn't be blinded by love the way we are almost every single time we fall in love even after past experiences have taught us to tread with caution, to think otherwise; that we shouldn't get caught up in the web of paralyzing emotion; that we shouldn't put too much stock and faith in something that cannot withstand the scrutinizing light of science; that we should see and understand it from a different perspective; that we should probably not regard it as anything more than it really is.
And after professing the claim that I committed a fallacy by calling the opposing camp as "hopelessly, carelessly trusting in blind love, in love-at-first-sight," I see no attempt on your part to correct my wording and substitute them with the right ones, or to explain how love works and where it comes from, or to clarify why exactly you disagree with me.
Or maybe you have. Love is magic, you say. Magic, you call it. Magic? I can see the appeal; Einstein himself couldn't support the notion that there is no such thing as magic. It's hard to imagine life without some mysteries in it, without magic. But I am seeking for the truth, not for some vague, unfounded, unquantifiable flight of fantasy. I am not looking for an unreliable abstraction, which was what made me question the concept of love in the first place. You have basically offered me the same thing -- believing in something that cannot be proven. Who is using the rational mind now?
Believing in magic is comforting. Believing in God is comforting. Believing in heaven is comforting. Believing I am always right would be comforting. Believing in eugenics was comforting to the people who believed in them. Believing in racial superiority was comforting to the people who believed in them. Does that make it true? Does that make it real? Perhaps I wasn't mistaken at all when I described the opposing camp as "hopelessly, carelessly trusting in blind love, at love-at-first-sight." But hey, that's just me.
I am heartened by the fact that you wrote so much to counter my arguments for the simple reason that you were worried about me, and all you intended was to give me a hug. You are truly a great friend; most people I know wouldn't bother. The number of people I know who would can be counted with one hand. For that, I thank you. I am eternally grateful to these people, of which you are one of them.
The reason I wrote what I wrote was not because I was on the fence regarding the matter; my mind was already made up before I started writing it. There was no dilemma to begin with, hence I did not create a false dilemma. I was merely asking the reader to which camp they thought they belonged to, after much deliberation on the topic at hand. Much of which was biological.
How else can you explain a concept as abstract as love? Can anyone explain where love comes from, apart from what I have described? Does love even exist, or is it just a cute little name for something that is inherent in our genetic make-up, including that of animals? Sure, science doesn't always explain everything that occurs in this universe. Science is not perfect. Yet. And that is only due to the shortcomings of the human mind; I am sure in time, as science and the human mind progress in tandem, we will unravel the theory of everything.
For now, though, science is still the best we have. And in trying to understand this concept called love, many hypotheses have been formulated. Some true, some speculative, the rest merely apocryphal. But there is no denying what happens on the biological level. The chemical reactions are there, whether we choose to accept it or not. No matter how high the human brain has climbed the evolutionary ladder, the 'reptilian brain' is still dead set in the centre of it, whether we like or not.
Besides controlling our breathing, heart rate, and fight or flight instincts, the reptilian brain establishes the fundamental needs of all evolved life -- that of survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. The principal ruling emotions of love, hate, fear, anger, lust, and contentment emerge from this first stage of the brain.
Indeed, thick layers of the rational brain that surround the reptilian brain theoretically puts us humans above all other animals, but think about it: the rational brain is built on the foundation of the reptilian brain. No matter how complex and sophisticated we get, in the larger picture we are all ruled by the instincts and primary functions of life that stem from the reptilian brain.
Love is a fundamental need, is it not? How then can you posit the idea that the rational brain takes precedence? No matter how much the rational brain sometimes tries to pretend it isn't true -- that we don't all need love, that we don't need to be loved -- we all want to be loved. Whether at home, or at the workplace, or in the eyes of our lovers.
If hate can be dismissed as an irrational, instinctual, reptilian emotion, then why not love? Hate can occur in an instant, just like love. Hate can be cultivated, just like love. Hate can take over our minds, just like love. Hate can build slowly through time, just like love. Hate can lead to disaster, just like love. Can we truly depend on an emotion that is just as irrational, instinctual and reptilian as hate?
Just because we can rationalize our thoughts and feelings does not mean love is a uniquely human phenomenon; here, the only uniquely human phenomenon is that we can concoct reasons and excuses to do the things we do. As well, we can describe love in paintings and poetry, we can regard love as a wholly-exclusive human emotion, we can place love on a pedestal and contemplate it with reverence -- this is what separates us from animals, the fact that we can lie to ourselves with such grand eloquence that we perceive it to be the truth. (Oh, the humanity!) Yet, the basic principle remains the same.
Whether an animal depends on smell or sight is not the issue here; I assume you are well aware of that. Robert Stenberg's attempt at explaining love as a combination of intimacy, passion and commitment does not disagree with my explanations as to where intimacy, passion and commitment originate from -- the chemical reactions in the brain.
Indeed, just like hate, love can start slowly. Did you know, there is a type of bird whose courtship ritual involves building a home from scratch (usually, the silly males do it to attract the females), after which it is presented to a potential mate for approval. If all goes swimmingly well, the couple goes on to reproduce young of their own. Upon rejection, on the other hand, the potential mate completely destroys the carefully-made home and flies off to search for a worthier soul to mate with.
I call it a 'home' because it looks exactly like a house; with a neat lawn, an entrance to the den, and a roof. The entire thing is made of twigs, shoots, branches and the like. Tiny, glittering things that could be mistaken for jewels are placed neatly on the lawn at the foot of the doorway. Ornithologists who have observed this natural phenomenon were astounded by the perfect symmetry of this bird's creation, from the doorway to the semi-circle lawn; from the precise weaving of every single element to produce an intricate whole that is a thing of beauty.
Imagine the passion and commitment needed for such a task. The bird faces the prospect of being rejected for the duration of its entire life, but doesn't give up. Compelled by its reptilian brain? Almost certainly. Can that be called love, the desire to do anything for its mate? Hard to tell, especially from the point of view of a human being. The courtship ritual could take time it doesn't have in its relatively short lifespan; proportionally, some human beings go through courtship, then mating, and into marriage in less time. Are we really any different when it comes to such things?
I am not saying that love only leads to disaster. There is no discounting the sacrifices that people like Mother Theresa have made out of love. Love can lead to a great many things. The Taj Mahal was borne out of love. Love is the basic tenet of religion, whether through the teachings of Buddha, or Muhammad, or Jesus, or whoever.
I was merely criticizing the idea that love is the be-all and end-all; that we shouldn't be blinded by love the way we are almost every single time we fall in love even after past experiences have taught us to tread with caution, to think otherwise; that we shouldn't get caught up in the web of paralyzing emotion; that we shouldn't put too much stock and faith in something that cannot withstand the scrutinizing light of science; that we should see and understand it from a different perspective; that we should probably not regard it as anything more than it really is.
And after professing the claim that I committed a fallacy by calling the opposing camp as "hopelessly, carelessly trusting in blind love, in love-at-first-sight," I see no attempt on your part to correct my wording and substitute them with the right ones, or to explain how love works and where it comes from, or to clarify why exactly you disagree with me.
Or maybe you have. Love is magic, you say. Magic, you call it. Magic? I can see the appeal; Einstein himself couldn't support the notion that there is no such thing as magic. It's hard to imagine life without some mysteries in it, without magic. But I am seeking for the truth, not for some vague, unfounded, unquantifiable flight of fantasy. I am not looking for an unreliable abstraction, which was what made me question the concept of love in the first place. You have basically offered me the same thing -- believing in something that cannot be proven. Who is using the rational mind now?
Believing in magic is comforting. Believing in God is comforting. Believing in heaven is comforting. Believing I am always right would be comforting. Believing in eugenics was comforting to the people who believed in them. Believing in racial superiority was comforting to the people who believed in them. Does that make it true? Does that make it real? Perhaps I wasn't mistaken at all when I described the opposing camp as "hopelessly, carelessly trusting in blind love, at love-at-first-sight." But hey, that's just me.
I Predict A Riot -- Kaiser Chiefs
Well That Was Easy -- Franz Ferdinand
Accidents Will Happen -- Elvis Costello
The Seer's Tower -- Sufjan Stevens
What I'm Trying To Say -- Stars