Tuesday, November 30, 2004

polyanna-ish fantasies

Turns out our business idea has been approved. It's hard to contain the excitement, but there's still a few stages left before we get to the mother lode -- fifty thousand freakin' dollars as capital to start out with. Fifty thousand reasons to toil zealously towards pitching our idea in front of a panel of judges. Fifty thousand jumper cables to infuse some motivation into this sad, lackadaisical creature. Fifty thousand steps closer to a permanent vacation in Italy.

And the best thing about it is there are no strings attached. We could take the $50,000 and spend it on handmade, overpriced kitchenware from Lithuania and no one would mind. (Well, anyone in their right mind would but they won't be able to do anything about it!) It would be ours to keep and do with it as we please. *Cue hyper-maniacal laughter and gleaming pearly whites*

Then again, I'm getting ahead of myself. Way ahead, because right now we've only been short listed in the top twenty out of the three hundred entries they received. Which means our business idea is viable, workable, and potentially profitable (music to my ears!). In the next stage, they'll cut the list to ten and then subsequently to the final three. Hopefully, we'll be there (major disappointment if we don't, but we'll probably find other avenues to realize the idea).

Right now, we have to etch out the perfect business plan to seduce the judges and coax the fifty big ones out of them. This involves actual numbers in copious amounts, which I'm really bad at. Stuff like projected revenue, accrual basis, retained earnings, start-up costs, franchise, statement of cash flows, tangible assets, current assets, working capital, balance sheet, revenue recognition, financial statement, matching principle, net income, present value -- you know, the stuff they come up with to complicate everything because everything is not complicated enough as it is.

As well, there is the morality question that won't quit bugging me. For example, is it purely greed that is motivating me to do this? And if so, should I feel guilty about it? Will it have negative repercussions on my state of mind? Should I care? I don't know, but all this crap is making me nervous and I'm not entirely sure why (it's not even that much money to begin with, plus we're splitting it three ways).

So on one hand, I'd be terribly disappointed if we don't get the cash and on the other, I'd feel tremendously guilty if we do. This anxiety, this gut feeling that I don't deserve my share of the spoils and that I won't do anything good with it anyway must surely be my conscience trying to tell me something; I just wish the message was clear. But if I had to decide between the two, would I rather feel tremendously guilty on my way to the bank than be terribly disappointed and broke? Why, a resounding ¥€$, of course! Was there ever any doubt?

Main Offender -- The Hives
Hella Good -- No Doubt
Flood -- Jars Of Clay
My Favorite Game -- The Cardigans
This Is A Call -- Foo Fighters


Blogger RomanWanderer said...

It sounds like you're off to a good start. Good Luck with it all1

2:52 am  
Blogger the narcissist said...

thanks. i'm probably gonna need it.

12:51 am  

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