the incredibles

Gonna catch the latest Disney/Pixar animated feature "The Incredibles" as soon as I get the chance. Is it any surprise I can't wait to see the film? Having been a life-long comic book fan (okay, not really; my first comic book reading experience was at the age of four), nothing beats watching superheroes come to life on the silver screen. I love movies that celebrate comic book culture and this one especially is going to bring the obscure world of comic books to the kids again (those who, for some weird reason, missed out on the Spider-Man and X-Men films).

I find comic books (or graphic novels, as some like to call 'em) to be a great medium for fiction and non-fiction alike. It's a powerful blend of the visual and the written, words and pictures coming together to create magic when it's done right. It should appeal to a subsection of society that enjoy movies and also read books, which should cover just about everyone.
Somehow, though, it doesn't. Maybe because it can be an expensive hobby (and these are economically uncertain times), or because the comic book market is dominated by superheroes (which shouldn't be a problem, actually, as the films I've mentioned above drew audiences from all walks of life -- though the variety of genres like crime noir, sci-fi, romance, drama, comedy, etc. are clearly there if one looks carefully enough), or because they're not widely available (that should change pretty quickly, since bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Borders and Kinokuniya have their own comic book sections these days).

Whatever it is, at least it's regaining popularity again. It'll probably never be restored to its former glory (way back when, comic books sold in the tens of millions every single month), but at least it's part of the mainstream again. It's hip to be square again especially if you're a comic book square like me. If you haven't been bitten by the bug yet (pun intended), go check out a comic book or two from your local library; I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

Anyway, back to film... the trailers are fun, funny and irreverent. Deconstructing the superhero philosophy, with all the strings attached -- like the stereotypical, mad scientist villain for starters, and the multitude of costumes and super powers that will occupy the imagination of comic book geeks like me for hours. I just can't wait; I love being a kid again and "The Incredibles" will definitely bring out the inner child in me.

Sure, they're gonna make fun of the subject (the inanity of the stereotypes is exactly what makes it so fun in the first place), and absolutely no comic book geek will be spared from the cracking humor that permeates such Disney/Pixar releases (nor should they be spared; Lord knows there are quite a number of oddballs in our ilk), but its family values and coolness factor will endear to the hearts and minds of children and adults all over the world, and pretty soon the meek shall inherit the earth and all will be well again.
Alright, then. Gotta go. Might miss dinner tonight on account of saving the world and stuff.

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