Tuesday, November 09, 2004

an idle mind

Feeling kinda upbeat.

Not sure why, though. Maybe because the exams are over (for the term, at least) and there's finally time to relax. Maybe because I don't miss the things I've lost as much as I thought I would. Maybe, and here's a thought, things are finally going my way. Who knows, who cares, it probably won't last anyway; someone or something is bound to mess things up for me again. But you should always count your blessings.

Should start writing the songs I've put on hold, read the books I've been meaning to read, spend some time with the people I've neglected, discuss that business idea we had, put pen to paper for that screenplay I was supposed to write, catch a movie, help clean up the house, learn a few songs on my guitar, do something productive.

Though I'll probably be lounging around and doing nothing most of the time. I'm a very lazy person. It's rare to find anyone lazier than yours truly. Just need something to motivate me so I can get off my ass. Fame and fortune might be just the things I need. So if you're reading this, and you have more money than God himself, then drop me a line and we'll work something out.

Let's Misbehave -- Elvis Costello
Roses -- Outkast
One Thing -- Finger Eleven
You're The Top -- Cole Porter
I Can't Win -- The Strokes


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