triply garbled tripe
Nowhere near as lively as I anticipated, having seen the TV ads they've been dishing out at each other lately. If anything, they should have been throwing everything and the kitchen sink on the table, grabbing one another's throat and calling each other's bluff. Where was the Swift Boat Veterans controversy when Bush was asked to comment on Kerry's credibility? Where was Bush's draft-dodging capabilities and non-existent military records when Kerry was given the opportunity to prove he would make a better commander-in-chief? What's the matter with these people, complimenting on the other's wife and kids while their mud-slinging advertisements are pretty much still stinking up the air? Where's all the bad blood? It would have been fun to watch, at the very least.
Kudos to JFK for remaining focused throughout the hour and a half (in comparison, Bush seemed at times irritated, tired and nonplussed), and to Bush for not slipping in too many of his trademark Bushisms (there were only two this time). It was interesting to watch the two speak without their respective spin-meisters doing the talking for them, and it's quite clear at this point who is the better independent speaker.
I've taken part in debates myself, and it's never easy to think on your feet (especially when you need to sound eloquent while you're at it). And the butterflies inevitably find their way into your stomach right before you come up to speak. I've seen people struggle to organize their thoughts (having been one of those people, I know it's no fun at all), and the most difficult part is to wield the attention of the audience when you yourself are arrested by the presence of the audience. Much more so when the crowd is both demanding (ie. your supporters and the judges) and hostile (generally the supporters of your opponent).
Hell, public speaking is the number one fear for most people. The second greatest fear is dying. Which means most of us would rather be the one in the grave than the one giving the eulogy. I bet George Bush was feeling that way, judging from his performance. I bet he was thinking, "Man, I wish I was dead." Or maybe he wasn't. He seems to enjoy talking in front of large congregations of people, though half the time he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.
Like when, during the presidential debate, in front of all the people and the TV cameras, in a brilliant display of clear-headedness and passionate grandiloquence -- rare for someone such as him -- Bush vociferously proclaimed (and I quote):
“Of course we’re after Ira-- uhh... Saddam Hussei-- I mean, uhh... Bin Laden. He’s-- he’s-- he’s-- he’s isolated. We’re making progress. But the front on this war is more than just one place.”'Nuff said. Thank you, Mr. Bush, you may step down now.
hey, I love your writing. and stop arguing with me about silly things, u tweet.
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